Image: My old "clamshell" iBook that my writing dreams began to first take shape on :)
It's been ten years since I first launched my website. At the time, I was primarily focused on photography (with a niche in farm families) and the odd freelance writing gig I snagged for a local newspaper. But, it was a step to doing the two things I loved most. Ten years later - today - August 31, 2022. I'd be lying if I had the anniversary written on my calendar. But, instead, a Facebook memory popped up this morning, jogging my memory. Truth be told, I've been feeling bad that I hadn't gotten my next book out when I had initially wanted to. "Farm Kids: Stories from Our Lives" was supposed to launch in March this year. It's been revised to launch this Fall. I had set a goal, but it was much too lofty. That feeling stinks. But, as I look back at these last ten years, I'm now married to my husband for twelve years next month. I have two happy, healthy girls starting grades four and six. We have a roof over our heads and are both doing what we love. And, so, I'm feeling good with where things are at. I've published three books to date. My fourth IS on the way (in time for Christmas gifts, I promise). I've written freelance for some really amazing publications that I'm proud of. And, you know what? I'm happy with that. Sometimes, life happens, and we miss a goal. That's okay. Pick up and keep going. I am so grateful for the people I've interviewed this last ten years, the stories I've shared, and the people I've gotten to know.
We've come out of a hard two+ years, and it hasn't been easy, and I think we're all just trying to find our feet again. I hope you all find good things to reflect on this week. I wish you all a good evening, a beautiful September, and a good year ahead. Thank you for being in my little world on the web. xo, Billi
Billi is now taking writing clients: click here. Billi is now taking photography clients: click here. Billi is now booking her 2023 speaking calendar: click here.

Billi J. Miller is an author, photographer, speaker, and writer from east-central Alberta, Canada. Previously a city-living, 9-5 Government worker, Billi moved to the country to marry the man of her dreams in 2010 and traded concrete and traffic for life on a 100-year old prairie farm.
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